Starfield players are not very pleased with the mechanics of building avantosts, calling it the big downgraid compared to the construction of settlements, which was in Fallout 4.
At the time of the release, Fallout 4 caused many disagreements thanks to the voiced main character and simpler role -playing mechanics than in other Bethesda games. However, one of the Fallout 4 elements, which did not cause disagreement, was the construction of settlements that allowed players to create their own houses with an amazingly wide set of options, which led to the creation of impressive creations and a great diversity.
Before launching, Bethesda confirmed that Starfield will have its own version of the construction of settlements, this time under the title of Avanposts. Considering that before Starfield’s exit, many high-profile promises were made, as well as how deep the game seemed, many fans hoped that the avant-aposts would improve in something that was in Fallout 4, or at least it relates to it.
However, this did not happen, since many fans expressed disappointment with the construction of the outposts and their more simplified mechanics. A very detailed post on Sabredite Starfield from Hellothere564738 describes why the system causes disappointment and attracted a lot of attention and support from other players, becoming one of the very posts in the week.
At the beginning of his message, Hellothere564738 notes that he is a big fan of Starfield, calling it "Almost perfect", And then he says that the avantists are the function that he waited most after it was well implemented in Fallout 4. However, he quickly realized that between Starfield and the mechanics of building a base in Fallout 4 there is a big difference, and one of the largest is that the only options are squares, circles and hexagons.
The user also notes that during the construction of avantosts there are many "unnecessary restrictions", For example, he is forced to build air gateways even on planets suitable for breathing, and has, according to him, "Absolutely worst" The door in the game. Another problem that users encountered is that at the beginning of the game in each settlement only three people can live, which is a big drawback compared to Fallout 4.
This is a very detailed post that indicates other problems of the system, such as a strange binding of advanposts, a landing site that takes up a lot of space, and t.D. A huge number of likes recruited for this post suggests that many players agree with this, as are the numerous comments of other players who share their problems with the advances, such as resource management, the small capacity of objects and the lack of innovation compared to Fallout 4.
Despite the fact that in the comments there are players protecting the advanced majority of them are very dissatisfied with how they are implemented in the game and hope that Bethesda will either add new opportunities to them through DLC, or players will come up with mods that will fix the problems.