City Car Driving 2.0 – Developer Diaries #1

We are Forward, we are mainly engaged in the creation of training simulators and software for them. City Car Driving has been the main gaming product for us for many years. Change of the game engine when creating City Car Driving 2.0 and the creation of a project not related to simulators is a big step forward for our small team. We are careful about the heritage of the original City Car Driving, we take all the best out of it and try to supplement the game with new activities, so that there is always something to do the player.

City Car Driving 2 action.0 occurs in the seaside city resort, where the eternal summer.
The main innovation in the game world, relatively original City Car Driving is its filling. Now all locations, whether it is a city or a suburb, can be traced its own story, emphasized by the environment.
We have significantly finalized the system of professions, and besides the updated “taxi” and “transportation of goods”, several new. You can concentrate on specific work, or do everything at once, depending on your desire.

We update and complement City Car Driving mechanics. We will talk about them in future issues, but now we offer to look at them a little.

Called car gasket

Now, during the trip, you may pollute the car, so car washouts have appeared in the game where you can return it to the original splendor

We completely redesigned the system of damage to the car, now you will have to repair your transport

Most of the game activities are still under development – we have not yet been accepted for the interface. This is only a small amount of what we plan to implement in City Car Driving 2.0.

There will be a multiplayer?

We understand that many people want to see multiplayer, but at the moment we do not have the opportunity to fully realize it, constantly maintaining interest and performance for each player.

Where is UK?

UK is in the original City Car Driving; We changed the setting and mood of the new project to supplement City Car Driving with new features. In the future, much later than early access, at the stage of creating new locations – UK will be.

Why is this a new product, and not the development of the original City Car Driving?

We changed the engine, changed the gameplay, introduced new mechanics, so Car Driving 2.0 Not just a “global update” is a new game.

It will be possible to create and add to City Car Driving 2.0. own cars?

It will be possible to create and add to City Car Driving 2.0. own cards?

We would really like to provide such an opportunity, especially, given the desire of our users to create their own cards. However, in early access of the editor of the cards you should not wait.

Support is supported by the gamepad, steering wheel, and other devices?

We will be able to get out of the car and walk around the city?

No, at this stage we do not see the reasons for creating this mechanics in the car symbolic.

In the next issue we will talk about technical solutions, show several screenshots of the work process, and answer new numerous questions. Development diaries now go out every two weeks, where we talk in detail about the development of the game, do not miss!